.gitignore 1.5 KB

  1. ## .gitignore for Grails 1.2 and 1.3
  2. # .gitignore for maven
  3. /target
  4. *.releaseBackup
  5. # web application files
  6. #/web-app/WEB-INF
  7. # IDE support files
  8. /.classpath
  9. /.launch
  10. /.project
  11. /.settings
  12. /*.launch
  13. /*.tmproj
  14. /ivy*
  15. /eclipse
  16. # default HSQL database files for production mode
  17. /prodDb.*
  18. # general HSQL database files
  19. *Db.properties
  20. *Db.script
  21. # logs
  22. /stacktrace.log
  23. /test/reports
  24. /logs
  25. *.log
  26. *.log.*
  27. # project release file
  28. /*.war
  29. # plugin release file
  30. /*.zip
  31. /*.zip.sha1
  32. # older plugin install locations
  33. /plugins
  34. /web-app/plugins
  35. /web-app/WEB-INF/classes
  36. # "temporary" build files
  37. out/
  38. build/
  39. # other
  40. *.iws
  41. #.gitignore for java
  42. *.class
  43. # Package Files #
  44. *.jar
  45. *.war
  46. *.ear
  47. ## .gitignore for eclipse
  48. *.pydevproject
  49. .project
  50. .metadata
  51. bin/**
  52. tmp/**
  53. tmp/**/*
  54. *.tmp
  55. *.bak
  56. *.swp
  57. *~.nib
  58. local.properties
  59. .classpath
  60. .settings/
  61. .loadpath
  62. # External tool builders
  63. .externalToolBuilders/
  64. # Locally stored "Eclipse launch configurations"
  65. *.launch
  66. # CDT-specific
  67. .cproject
  68. # PDT-specific
  69. .buildpath
  70. ## .gitignore for intellij
  71. *.iml
  72. *.ipr
  73. *.iws
  74. .idea/
  75. ## .gitignore for linux
  76. .*
  77. !.gitignore
  78. *~
  79. ## .gitignore for windows
  80. # Windows image file caches
  81. Thumbs.db
  82. ehthumbs.db
  83. # Folder config file
  84. Desktop.ini
  85. # Recycle Bin used on file shares
  87. ## .gitignore for mac os x
  88. .DS_Store
  89. .AppleDouble
  90. .LSOverride
  91. Icon
  92. # Thumbnails
  93. ._*
  94. # Files that might appear on external disk
  95. .Spotlight-V100
  96. .Trashes
  97. ## hack for graddle wrapper
  98. !wrapper/*.jar
  99. !**/wrapper/*.jar
  100. /nodeId